what is breat cancer and its symptoms

Friday, January 8, 2010

All people in the world surely don't want to get breast cancer especially for woman.
This cancer is one disease that is deadly and greatly feared. So, we need to know and have a little knowledge what is breast cancer and what is its symptoms that often arise. If we know that, we will ready when faced with the conditions when we get breast cancer ( we don't hope it will happen to us )

What is breat cancer?

This disease Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. Cancer can begin to grow in the milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.

The Symptoms and Signs of breast cancer

The initial symptoms in the form of a lump that is usually perceived differently from the surrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.
In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin. At an advanced stage, the lump is usually attached to the chest wall or the surrounding skin. In advanced-stage cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin

ulcers. Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.
Other symptoms that may be found in a lump or mass in the armpit, change the size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple (usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), change in skin color or texture in the breasts, nipples and areola (dark brown berwana area around the nipple), breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly, nipples are interested in or feel itchy, painful swelling of the breasts or one breast. At an advanced stage may arise bone pain, weight loss, swelling of arms or ulcerated skin

Caused factor and how to prevent breast cancer

Because i have other job that immediatelly to do, caused factor and how to prevent breast cancer, I will share in my next article. wait for my next article OK ?


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