Get Know and watch out the danger of chemotherapy

Sunday, October 25, 2009

In my last post, I have written what that its chemotherapy and usefulness for our body, now i will write down on the contrary, that is the danger from chemotherapy. Why I write it. It caused to make you know early more about danger from chemotherapy, it's side effect and if at any times that the side effect of chemoteraaphy really happened, you will be ready to anticipate it and not nervous

Brothers / sisters,

You must know, that chemotherapy medication basically is to kill cancer cell. But unconsciously, besides kill cancer cell, that medicine also can attack healthy cells . Because that healthy cell is attacked then you will get side effects that all kinds of. There is small side effects , light till heavy side effect.

Some side effectses that can you feel is :
1. Body felt weaken, fatigue, out of breath, easy infected and get bleeding. This is caused chemoteraphy make less haemoglobin, trombosite and phabocyte at sum-sum bone
2. Trouble at digestive tract
3. Hair moults
4. Trouble at mouth & red lane like sprue, difficult swallow
5. Degrade enthusiasm sex and fertility

How anticipate chemotherapy side effects

Your Doctor surely have to know the side effects that generated when you take medicine given, besides his/her give chemotherapy medicine, he also give medicine to depress chemotherapy side effects.
In other hand, many developed also suplemen food that can be used to lessen chemotherapy effect. So, consult and ask to your doctorbout suplemen food that fit in with disease that your distress

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Chemotherapy Definition and chemoteraphy usefulnes for our body

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Maybe between us, still laymen if hear chemotherapy term. Sure you will ask what is chemotherapy, chemotherapy relation/link with cancer, what is usefulness of chemotherapy , how to do chemotherapy and the danger of its for our body. All that questions we will discuss in topic today.

What that chemotherapy and usefulness for our body

Chemotherapy is a action / therapy of chemistry compound gift ( medicine ) to lessen,eliminate and pursue parasite growth or microbe in patient body.

In the medical science specially for cancer medication, chemotherapy usually given before and after cancer surgery. This Chemotherapy are used to eradicate or eliminate cancer cell to its root until expected no more any life cancer cell.

There are much chemotherapy types because adapted for disease type that we get. Until very suggested that you consult first with doctor to decide maximum chemotherapy that fit in with your disease

How to give chemotherapy

It's seem with other disease, chemotherapy can be given to patient with three ways that is :
1. Chemotherapy by drink tablet or capsule several times one day. This is the easiest and economical way and can be conducted where just and any time
2. Chemotherapy by injected to our body.This medicine was enetered into our body by injection.
3. Chemotherapy by infus. Way this is the last way if two ways above will never conducted.

Chemotherapy can be conducted 1 , 2 or 3 times one day in accordance with level & disease type also in accordance with doctor suggestion

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What is cancer and how many cancer types you know

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cancer is one of deadliest disease in the world. But what is cancer ? How someone can be infected this cancer disease, what is karsinoma, sarkoma, leukimia,Limpoma and brain cancer ?. We will share together in this article.

What is cancer ?

Cancer is a disease that happened caused by existence of abnormal cell bisection without control and can disseminate to vinicity network. Cancer Cell can disseminate to other part in body passes blood stream and system limfatik.
Ferocious Tumor is called also cancer. Cancer haves potency to attack and destroy nearby network and generate metastasis. According to concept of cancer present day is gene disease. A normal cell can become cancer cell if by various of because happened imbalance between function onkogen and tumor gene suppresor in course of grow and its flower a cell. Change or mutation of causative gene the happening of hiperekspresi onkogen and or less / loss of function of tumor gene suppresor causes cell grows and expands uncontrollably. This Change walks in a few phase or that recognized by multistep process carcinogenesis.

Cancer not only is one disease type but set of some diseases. More than 100 types from cancer has been found. A large part of cancers are named according to organ or cell type where cancer cell starts exists. For example, cancer that started in colon is called colon cancer, cancer that happened first time in dropsy cell from skin called karsinoma dropsy cell.

Cancer Category

Following is category from some cancers:
1. Karsinoma : cancer that started from skin or network that protect interior organ.
2. Sarkoma : cancer that happened in bone, network of bone gristle, fat, muscle, vein, or link network.
3. Leukimia : cancer that happened in network that blood production like bone marrow and cause abnormal blood count improvement.
4. Limfoma and Myeloma : cancer that happened in immunity system
5. Central brain cancer : cancer that happened in brain tissue and bone marrow.

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